=====FC Training Process and Requirements===== The T badge indicates someone training to become an HQ FC. This page describes the requirements to become a T badge and the required training to attain full FC tags. ====Approval to Begin Training==== An applicant for the T badge must have: * L badge (Nestor) * V badge (Vanguards FC) OR prior experience FCing HQs with other groups * Approval of Eve Rookies Leadership Having a booster alt (Eos) is highly recommended but not strictly required. ====Training==== ===Backseat=== Once the T badge is granted, the Trainee can request training fleets. A training fleet must have an experienced FC as the "backseat". Generally only one trainee should be in fleet at a time, either a Training FC or a Training Nestor. However, the backseat may allow more if they feel it's safe. The backseat FC is ultimately responsible for the fleet's safety and should be ready to take control at any time. ===Progress=== Everyone progresses at their own speed; there's no set time limit on how long it can take. However, the Trainee should show good progress and not stall out in their training. They should be proactive about requesting backseats and should fly at least one training fleet per focus, preferably more (real life permitting). It is up to the other HQ FCs, Instructors, and incursion Leadership to keep track of their progress and, if necessary, step in and halt the training if it isn't progressing adequately. ===Phases of Training=== Training should proceed in phases gradually, starting with the easiest tasks and adding more difficulty over time. Once the Trainee is comfortable handling "normal" conditions they can be tested in more stressful situations. Phases of training: - **Tagging Sites & Voicing** \\ \\ Begin by tagging according to the backseat's voiced instructions, then progress to tagging and calling the site without help from the backseat. \\ \\ - **Intro Speech** - Similar to the speech for Armor VGs.\\ \\ - **Building the Fleet** - Similar to Armor VGs, forming the fleet using the waitlist and their own fleet setup.\\ \\ - **Waitlist** \\ \\ Initially the backseat will handle filling the fleet from the waitlist. When the Trainee is ready, the backseat can start directing them when to bring people in and who, prioritizing people over alts. The Trainee ultimately needs to be able to keep track of on-grid numbers and the waitlist and bring people in without prompting.\\ \\ - **Testing** \\ \\ In the course of running training fleets the Trainee will inevitably run into some of the test scenarios listed below. Once they are comfortable running fleets under "normal" conditions, the backseat may begin intentional testing to fill in anything the Trainee hasn't already handled.\\ \\ ====Training Requirements==== ===Basic FC Tasks=== The Trainee must demonstrate the ability to perform each of these tasks. Any HQ FC may sign off on each when it's performed to their satisfaction: * Tag all sites * Perform the new pilot speech * Perform the new bastion speech * Manage the waitlist: * check fits * bring people into fleet from waitlist promptly * maintain correct on-grid numbers by asking boxers to drop alts as needed * Spot ships out of position, lack of boosts, etc as per L badge * Spot ships taking aggro and failing to broadcast * Call for battle reps when needed, and call them off at the correct time * Drag someone to another channel in TS * Kick/ban someone from TS * Teach all fleet roles (scout, lightning rod, MTAC, DDD, HHH) * Coach a new meatshield * Preload TCRCs * Communicate well with scouts ===Knowledge Requirements=== Trainee must demonstrate certain knowledge. Any full HQ FC may test and sign off on each: * Site payout numbers: minimum fleet size to receive payout, numbers to receive maximum payout, and payout amounts when optimal/overgrid/undergrid * Rat knowledge: all ewar rats, dps of high-damage rats, and damage types of all rats * What rats spawn in each wave of each site * All fleet roles and their anchors * Where the aggro positions are in each site * What to do if someone enters NRF late and draws aggro on the beacon * What to do if there's a suicide jumper, and when it's likely to happen * How to secure a NRF when a contest seems likely * What the biggest dangers are in each site (where ships are most likely to die) * What changes to make if gankers are active in the area * How to extract from a site during major emergency such as mass disconnect ===Tests=== The trainee must perform each test to the satisfaction of their backseat FC: * Pushing TPPH 3rd room * Saving a suicide jumper * Handling a leeroy, especially TCRC * Coaching a leeroy how to use MJD to safely warp out * Handling a pilot disconnect * Trainee disconnected from voice comms * Noticing missing or out-of-position Nestor and correcting for it * TCRC that's not preloaded * Scuffed TCRC (split aggro, missing lightning rod, missing MTAC) * Split aggro from death (of a drone or ship) * Extract/bounce out of a site * Contesting * Stress testing - Trainee should delegate when overwhelmed ====Final Signoff==== Once all the above tests are passed, the T badge can be promoted to full FC upon approval of two members of Leadership and/or Instructors. Note: if a T badge is about to get promoted during a fleet, all Instructors and Leadership in fleet comms must give their approval first. It is courteous to also invite any other HQ FCs in comms to the discussion.