====== Fleet Spots Policy ====== This document covers how we allocate spots on fleet to characters from the waitlist. Please note that this policy is not a hard and fast policy. At the end of the day FC discretion allows for differences if the FC feels they need it, I.E. for fleet safety or contest reasons, or keeping a boxer around due to numbers being likely to drop in the near future. ===== Hierarchy ===== The following list is the priority list of what gets spots in fleet. This applies for both people joining and people being asked to drop characters. - Doctrine Mains (Exception being Logi Cruisers, covered below) - Doctrine Bastion Alts - Doctrine Non-Bastion Alts - Non-Doctrine Non-Bastion Mains/Alts - Sponges ===== Dropping priority ===== When we ask people to drop alts from fleet it will primarily be done based on the above order. However there are often times when we may have to decide between multiple of the same type. In that case we use the following priority for dropping characters, with ones at the bottom of the list being asked to drop first - W/B Badge - Elite Gold Badge - Elite Badge - Elite Fit - Advanced Fit - Basic Fit - Starter Fit ==== Logi Cruisers ==== We only have a limited amount of spots in the fleet for Logi cruisers as they are not our primary logi ship. If there are already 2 Logi cruisers in fleet and fleet is full don't expect to get an invite even as an Elite fit main until one of those spots opens up.