====== Upgrade Hours ====== To improve the chances of winning contests, and to improve overall fleet speed, we need a strong fleet comp with well-skilled pilots who know how to fly their ships. By pushing for the best ISK/hr possible, starter pilots can upgrade in a timely manner, which gives us the ability to bring in new starters more often. This policy lays out our expectations of you. For more details on what ships to fly and how to upgrade them see the [[guides:upgrade|upgrade guide]]. ===== Upgrade Milestones ===== At Eve Rookies HQ, we use a "milestone" system to help guide you on your upgrade journey, based on number of hours spent in our HQ fleets. **Note:** Only HQ fleet hours count toward your upgrade requirements. VG fleet hours are "free" hours and do not count against your upgrade requirements. You are required to reach each milestone by the specified hour limit((As listed on your pilot [[https://hq.everookies.com/pilot|profile page]])), although you should aim to upgrade sooner as ISK and skill points allow. ^ Hours ^ Milestone ^ | 22H | Pirate starter ship (Nightmare or Vindicator) | | 85H | T1 gun marauder; or, \\ T2 Guns on your pirate ship | | 130H | T2 gun marauder: or, \\ [[guides:badges|Web Aspirant Badge]] for pilots planning on staying in Vindicator| | 220H | Full elite (Fit, Implants & Skills), \\ Vindicators must have a [[guides:badges|Web Specialist Badge]] | | Encouraged | [[guides:badges|Bastion Badge]] (Increased damage and hence SRP coverage) | || | 105H | Elite Oneiros | When calculating these hour limits we have taken into account: * The Cost of the relevant ship, fit, implants and skill books * Large Skill Injectors (as needed) * That you use PLEX to pay for your subscription, and that you train 1 million skill points per month The income for the calculations is based on a lower-than-average fleet ISK/hr, and we included extra time as a safety net, to account for things like price fluctuations, time away, setbacks, and similar circumstances. While these calculations were meant to be generous, prices do change and the upgrade requirements may become overly difficult to meet. Don't hesitate to reach out to Leadership or FCs in this case. We are happy to review the requirements and adjust as conditions change.