Table of Contents


We assign tags to incursion rats to give pilots a preferred kill order, which helps to speed up fleets and improve safety.

Setting up Your Shortcuts

Before you tag for a fleet you should set up your tagging shortcuts. You can configure these by opening the menu (Esc), and clicking on the tab “Shortcuts”. We recommend you setup the following keys:

How to Tag


The tagging sequencer allows you to tag multiple ships in sequence in quick succession.

To use the sequencer, hold down your shortcut and click on the first target, and then each subsequent target. There may be a small delay of up to a server tick but each ship will be tagged as 1, 2, 3… or A, B, C… until you reach the end of your sequence.

The sequencer will remember your last position so you should always click on the last rat repeatedly until you reach the last tag in the sequence. For numbers that is 9, for letters it is I.

A, B, C

Sometimes you might want to tag three ships in order - this is where your A, B, C sequencer is useful.


Ask the FC if they want you to tag contests and if they do pay careful attention to their calls. The kill order for contests is typically battleships before cruisers, Maras last.

Kill Order

The kill order can vary for a variety of reasons so always pay attention to your FC. The tables below are our standard kill orders.

We primary certain rats due to their special roles, for example, scrams and jams. Visit the Incursion Rat Reference list to learn more.


  • L = Letters (Sniper Targets)
  • N = Numbers (DPS Targets)
  • X = Tag as X

Nation Rebirth Facility (NRF)

Notes: there can be a benefit in broadcasting a single Mara when two Maras spawn.

Tag sniper targets first in wave two as there is only one Uitra. For all other waves tag DPS before snipers.

Wave 1

Wave 2

Wave 3

Wave 4

True Creations Research Centre (TCRC)

If you miss the Schmaeels, don't panic!

True Power Provisional Headquarters (TPPH)

Notes: In the 3rd room the Ostis are the trigger for the next wave. The FC may choose to spike the waves, this means killing the Ostis before everything else is dead. If the FC says they want to spike the wave tag ONLY three Romis in wave two of room three. On the other hand, if the FC wants to clear each wave before triggering the next, tag one Osti X to prevent spiking the wave.

Room 1

Room 2

Room 3