Table of Contents

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Nestor Guide

The Nestor is our primary logistics ship. It is responsible for providing remote armour repair to pilots when they are targeted by the incursion fleets.

This guide is aimed at pilots who are wanting to fly the Nestor. If you want to learn more about flying the Oneiros/Loki, please see the Logistics Guide.

Training Nestor

Because a Nestor has more repairing power than two Oneiros, we can run most fleets with just three Nestors. However, we need each pilot to be highly skilled and well-trained. For this reason, you cannot fly the Nestor in our fleet without having the Logi Specalist Badge.

To get your L badge you will need to fly several fleets as a Training Nestor. During these fleets, your back seating Nestor will check your anchoring, your reps, and grid awareness. You'll also be tested on your incursion mechanic knowledge. Most FCs will require AT LEAST three satisfactory fleets before they badge you.

Training Nestor positions are limited to one per fleet, and at the discretion of the active FC. You must have at minimum some basic incursion mechanic knowledge before an FC will accept you as a Training Nestor in their fleet. You will also need a fully fit Elite Nestor with either the Amulet implant set (High Grade Amulet 1-5 + WS-618) or the Ascendancy implant set (High Grade Ascendancy 1-5 + WS-618). Both implant sets also require the EM-806 capacitor implant for the Nestor.

Skill Requirements

Before you can fly a Training Nestor you need to have basic skills. While you can earn your L badge without elite skills you are required to train these as soon as possible!

In-Flight Information


Anchoring is one of the great things about flying a Nestor. There's a single anchoring point per site!


First room
Turn on your MWD and burn to the out-gate. You may want to turn it off for a few seconds after the second cycle just to stay close to the ship that takes aggro at the beacon, but be aware that after 60 seconds in the room there will be an aggro switch, and you need to ensure that the fleet doesn't pull too far away from you. Make sure to cut your MWD about 15km from the gate and coast in towards it.

Second room
The same as the first room.

Third room
The anchoring point for a Nestor is 10km-15km to the left of the Sansha battle tower, slightly above the “crown”. Turn on your prop-mod and burn towards the anchor point. There's generally no need to slow down to stay within range of the ship that takes aggro at the beacon because DPS ships will generally use their MJDs to jump to their anchor positions beyond the tower. You want to be 10km-15km from the Sansha battle tower so that all the DPS ships and the meatshield are within your ~30km optimal remote repair range, and any logistics cruisers can orbit you without bumping into the Sansha battle tower, and you want to be slightly higher than the “crown” on the tower so that an orbiting logistics cruiser doesn't fly too low and take aggro at the start of a wave.


Turn on your MWD and burn 75km ahead and about 5km to the right of straight ahead. Like in the TPPH, you want to be level with or slightly higher than the crown on the tower. This will put you within remote repair range of any ship likely to take aggro during the site.


Because of the staged entrance to this site, when you land you should be immediately locking up the meatshield and dumping all reps on it until it stabilises (then down-cyle as normal) or jumps away. Then you want to turn on your MWD and burn 90km towards the gap between the Sansha Battle Tower and the Shield Transfer Array. Be ready for the first aggro switch, it will generally land on a DPS ship that is shooting the tower.

Building Your Watchlist

As a Logistics pilot, your watchlist is critical. It helps you to see damage on critical ships early (before broadcasts) and lets you see at a glance who is and is not in the site/room with you.

Fleet Commander.
Like every pilot in our fleets, you should always have your on-grid fleet commander on your watchlist. Paired with “warp to your FC until you get the natural phenomena message”, this provides a very easy way to tell if you're at the right place at the right time - if you are on the right gate with the FC, in the same room as the FC, etc, you will see not only the entry for your FC's name, but also a ship icon as well - this indicates that you are on the same grid in space. It will also help you to determine if the FC warps away - either intentionally (rare) or due to a disconnect (where the entry for the FC will drop off your waitlist completely).

Ships/Roles that should be on your watchlist

Using Your Reps

Your fit has two types of repairers:

Grid Awareness

While the FC is ultimately responsible for fleet safety, you can greatly assist them by keeping a keen eye on the grid. Under normal conditions you should be prepared to call out:

After being given an L badge, and while there is no Training Nestor in fleet, you are welcome to voice these issues on behalf of the FC.

When undertaking a Nestor role, you are in effect a 'mini-FC' and should be prepared to take over commanding the fleet in an emergency (such as the FC disconnecting).