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Logistics Guide

Logistics are the backbone of the fleet, keeping everyone alive and happily making isk. It’s no small task and not for the F1 monkeys among us. We use three types of logistics ships in our fleets - the Oneiros, loki and the Nestor. Anyone with sufficient skills may x-up an Oneiros or loki, while the Nestor is the end game Eve Rookies HQ Logistics ship, reserved for pilots with the Logistics badge or those training towards it.

General Information for Oneiros Pilots

FCs can decide how many Oneiros/Loki they will allow in their fleet at a time. Most will allow one or two. Your best chance of getting into fleet is Xing-up quickly on the waitlist when the fleet first forms. Becoming known as a “good” Cruiser pilot (one that reps promptly and gives links to the drone bunny in every site) also improves your chances of being invited into fleet.

In TCRCs and NRFs, you will land on the grid, turn your prop mod on and burn forward a few cycles, giving your anchor (any appropriate Nestor) time to get positioned before orbiting your chosen Nestor with your prop mod on at 4000m.

Note: On exiting TCRCs, Cruiser pilots are required to warp out when the FC calls for DPS and Snipers to go.

In TPPHs, your anchor in the first two rooms is the outgate so head directly there. In the third room, anchor as per TCRCs and NRFs by burning forward a couple of cycles before orbiting your chosen Nestor at 4000m with your prop mod on.

As mentioned, Nestors are our main and end game logistics ships at Eve Rookies HQ and are covered in a separate guide and require training and permission to fly. If you do not have the Logistics Badge, please do not bring this ship. You will not be invited and the waitlist is a lonely place. If you wish to start training for a Logistics Badge in order to be approved to fly a Nestor, please contact the FC team.

Fleet MOTD and Watchlists

When you join a fleet, you’ll see the Message of the Day (MOTD) at the top of fleet chat. This will contain important information and resources for the current fleet.

As a logistics pilot, you should add certain roles to your watchlist: the FC, Booster, link targets (DDD), Meat Shield (MS) and all your fellow logistics pilots. It is also a good idea to color code your watchlist roles to make them easier to identify quickly. Roles will change throughout your time in the fleet, so checking the MOTD occasionally to update your watchlist is recommended. The FC will normally say “logi update your watchlist” when there is a change in the logistics pilots in the fleet (but also check now and then on your own).

As for the rest of your watchlist, it’s recommended to add new pilots & frequent aggro magnets. While the new Proton UI in Eve allows you to add the entire fleet to your watchlist this can cause UI clutter and should be avoided. DPS ships come and go and you'll spend too much time trying to keep up with all the changes.

The watchlist is not a reliable indicator of who has aggro, as there may be delays in it updating.

Broadcast History

ALL logistics ships are required to lock up ALL shield & armor broadcasts and apply reps as needed.

Your Armor reps hit at the end of the cycle instead of the start as a shield rep will. It’s recommended to “slam” all of your reps until the aggro target is stable then back off to 2 reps for Oneiros (3 reps for Nestors) to more easily handle aggro switches. By doing it this way, it enables you to easily switch reps to the next target with the de-cycled reps.

Marauders in Bastion will broadcast for shields when the aggro swaps to them. Please lock all shield broadcasts for this reason! The marauder pilot should inform the FC and logistics pilots how long is remaining on their bastion cycle. The FC or a Nestor pilot will then call for pre-overheat on reps if needed. The marauder pilot will normally say they are “open” (can receive reps) when their bastion cycle ends and will also usually rebroadcast for Armor.


While all Logistics pilots are important to the fleet, Nestors are our primary logistics ship and require further training in the fleet with the FC. Nestors are the end goal logistics ship in Eve Rookies HQ - they have awesome repping power, however, they are more technical to fly due to their decreased optimal rep ranges. They also have additional duties. In Eve Rookies HQ fleets, Nestor pilots keep an eye on overall fleet safety and are trained to call out any potential issues they see to help the FC. They are also trained as “mini-FCs” and are expected to be able to step in and immediately take over FCing the fleet if anything happens to the FC. For this reason the Nestor is gated behind further training and sign offs by the FC team to ensure the pilot is capable of flying such a crucial role. If you are interested in flying the Nestor please reach out to the FC team to discuss becoming a training Nestor.

guides/logi.txt · Last modified: 12/05/2024 08:18 by Sasha Panther

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