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Alts Guide

How to add an alt to your account

To set up a character as an alt on the wait-list:

DO: Use the button highlighted below

DO NOT: Log out of your main and log back in with your alt

Not only does this make it easier for you to X-up your alt, because you can just use the drop-down to switch characters but it means the FC team can track which alts belong to which mains.

How to X-Up with an alt

When X-ing up on the waitlist please ensure that your alts are marked correctly.

DO: Switch to your alt from the dropdown before X-ing them up

DO: Use the highlighted Update Fits button to X-up your alt once your main is on the waitlist. If you are X-ing up after your main is already in fleet the button will be the normal Join Waitlist button

DO: Tick the “This pilot is an alt” box when pasting your fit. Please tick this whether or not your main is already in fleet.

If you did everything correctly your alt with show up on the waitlist with your main's name on the top bar, your alt's name as the ship name and a red ALT badge as shown below

If you don't see the ALT badge then please re-try or reach out to an FC for assistance.

guides/alts.txt · Last modified: 21/11/2023 19:59 by Cassandra Bisi

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