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Because our fleets do not have a DPS or Sniper anchor (VVV/AAA), you will need to learn the anchor spots.

We know your first few fleets can be stressful, so we have created the images below to provide you with a visual reference. For your first few fleets, you may want to use the Keep at Range function to anchor on someone flying the same ship as you. Please set your Keep at Range to 5km to avoid bumping this person.

  • Oneiros pilots: orbit a Nestor at 4km with your prop mod on. Remember to turn it off when aligning to next site.

These diagrams will make more sense to you after your first fleet!

Nation Rebirth Facility (NRF)

True Creations Research Centre (TCRC)

True Power Provisional Headquarters (TPPH / PP)

The image is of room three. In rooms, one and two, burn to the outgate.

Images created by Sasha Panther.

guides/anchoring.txt · Last modified: 05/06/2024 07:53 by Cassandra Bisi

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