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Light Drone Bunny

As the Drone Bunny (DDD) you are responsible for killing frigates. To do this you make use of your webs, blasters, and up to 50 light drones that the fleet assigns you.

Kill Order

While you control the fleet's light drones, your turrets are your main offensive weapon. Make sure you use the correct ammo, and don't be afraid to switch ammo regularly.

Void L: Short range high DPS ammo (~ < 10-12km). Use void as often as you can.
Null L: Long-range ammo, use this whenever targets are out of Void range.
Faction Antimatter: For use by pilots with T1 guns.

Drones will follow the last target you aggress. For example, if you wanted to kill a Schmaeel, you could apply a single web to it, web the next two frigates you plan to shoot, and then use your guns on the first target. This will ensure you slow down as many targets as possible while putting all your DPS on the Schmaeel.

This is the default kill order, you may choose to deviate from it as you gain experience: Tamas (300 DPS Kin/Exp, point) > Niarja (Jam) > Schmaeels (point) > Renyn and Eysturs.

At the start of each room burn 10-15 km off the beacon as you use Null to kill targets. Then sit between spawn points and the DDD within Void range.

True Creations Research Centre (TCRC)

Your job is to kill the Niarjas and untagged Schmaeels. Light drones are not used in this site (if you see any light drones out, call it out).

When you take the gate, sit still on the beacon and web three Schmaeels. Kill the close-range Niarja and Schmaeels, until they burn out of range. Once they are out of your range aim to the left of the tower and activate your MJD.

You should sit between the tower and shield transfer array and load Void.

Focus on the Niarjas as they spawn, and then focus on the untagged Schmaeels.

As the tower gets to less than 50% structure lock up and web X-Tags. Keep an eye on their health to make sure they aren't being shot; if they are let the FC know.

(click to enlarge)


  • NRF/TPPH: Contests are won by the fleet that does the most damage. Unless the FC tells you otherwise, focus on battleships → cruisers → frigates.

    If our fleet has an advantage over the other fleet you may want to kill frigates to stop the contesting fleet from getting into position. Check with the FC first.
  • TCRC: Ignore frigates until the tower dies. If one of our pilots reports being jammed quickly alpha the Niarjas.

If there is an Oneiros in the fleet and you have good skills, ask for two tracking & one optimal range; however, if you have low skills or T1 guns you may want two use two optimal and one tracking script.

As DDD you should run drop and DBV.

guides/ddd.txt · Last modified: 21/11/2023 22:58 by Cassandra Bisi

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