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Fleet Boosters

Fleet boosters provide essential buffs to the entire fleet:

  • increased armor resistances
  • increased armor hitpoints
  • higher on-grid speed
  • reduced logi rep cycle time
  • reduced logi cap usage

These fleet boosts provide a safety margin to the fleet. While they are not absolutely necessary for site completion (eg, fleet can continue if the booster DCs), ER requires boosters in its HQ fleets and requires the FC provide the primary fleet booster (Eos).

The Booster fits can be found here

Eos - Primary Booster

The primary fleet booster is the Gallente Battlecruiser Eos, and is exclusively flown by the fleet's FC. The Eos receives bonuses to Armor and Skirmish command burst strengths and duration.

Eos boost loadout:

  • Armor Command Module - Rapid Repair Charges
  • Armor Command Module - Armor Reinforcement Charges
  • Armor Command Module - Armor Energizing Charges
  • Skirmish Command Module - Rapid Deployment Charges
  • 3 x Remote Sensor Boosters - Scan Resolution Scripts → DDD

Eos Implants:

  • Federation Navy Command Mindlink (required)

Damnation - Secondary Booster

The secondary fleet booster is the Amarr Battlecruiser Damnation. The Damnation receives bonuses to Armor and Information command burst strengths and duration.

Damnation boost loadout:

  • Information Command Burst module - Sensor Optimization Charges
  • Information Command Burst module - Electronic Hardening Charges
  • Skirmish Command Burst module - Evasive Maneuvers Charges
  • Skirmish Command Burst module - Interdiction Maneuvers Charges
  • 3 x Remote Tracking Computers - Tracking Speed or Optimal Range Scripts (DDD's choice) → DDD

Damnation Implants:

  • Federation Navy Command Mindlink (recommended)

This set up helps to decrease the fleet's lock time, increase their resistance to jamming, increase the fleet's agility and increase the range of the Vindicator's Stasis Webifiers.

Meat Shield

The meat shield's role is to pull initial wave aggro through positioning. This role is normally taken by one of the boosters, usually the secondary booster.


  • In 3rd room burn to the right of the tower towards the bottom and remain there to draw initial aggro.


  • Burn towards and below the outposts between the beacon and the tower.
  • After final wave spawns if the fleet is slow on damage it may be worth burning towards the marauders to get cap.


In a TCRC or Kundalini the MS enters the site first to consolidate aggro. It should have a Medium Micro Jump Drive fitted (the Eos will remove a remote sensor booster to fit it). This allows the MS to jump backwards in a TCRC entrance.

On the way to the TCRC the meat shield will “X MS” in the fleet chat to let the FC know they are active and ready to perform their role. A TCRC entrance goes as follows:

  • FC confirms roles have X'd up and Logi have spotted an enemy
  • FC confirms MS has enough boosts or provides a fresh boost for the MS
  • FC instructs MS to enter site
  • MS acknowledges, broadcasts for armor and actives the acceleration gate.
  • Once MS lands on grid they move backwards with one prop mod cycle
  • Meat Shield calls the site:
    • “Normal” (Just Mtac factory and far away rats),
    • “Yulais” (if 8 Yulais have spawned),
    • “Deltoles” (if the Deltoles have spawned),
    • “Frigates” (group of frigates 30km off the beacon), or
    • “Full” (If the Outunis have spawned)
  • If the call is Normal or Yulais the Meat Shield could be instructed to warp off: Activate their MJD away from the rats and warp off grid.
  • If the call is Deltoles, Frigates or Full the FC will call the fleet in (after a short pause if Deltoles)
  • Once clear of the landing fleet Meat Shield should activate their MJD, jump backwards from the site and MWD away until aggro switches off them.

Once aggro switches away and the next site is broadcast, the Meat Shield can warp off, assuming MS isn't taking payment. If MS is to be paid, rep your own drone to earn a payout and wait for the site to finish before warping. When landing on the next site's gate, broadcast for armor reps so the fleet can top your armor off with their battle reps.


As in a TCRC, the Meat Shield has a Medium MJD fitted and enters the site first to consolidate aggro.

  • FC confirms roles have X'd up and Logi have spotted an enemy
  • FC confirms Meat Shield has enough boosts or provides a fresh boost for MS
  • FC instructs the Meat Shield to enter site
  • Meat Shield acknowledges, broadcasts for armor and actives the acceleration gate.
  • Wait for FULL aggro, then MJD back
  • Call “full” when FULL aggro.

Training a Booster Character

There are a few ways you can train up a booster pilot.

If time is not an issue

  • Make a new alt account, leave 1m SP from referral in your redeem queue.
  • Alpha train all applicable alpha usable skills needed (probably gets you to 5m).
  • Omega the account and redeem the 1m SP from the redeem queue to push it along.
  • The rest you can slow train.

If time is somewhat of an issue

  • Start as if time was not an issue, but also use alpha skill injectors (best isk/sp).
  • Right before you hit 5m SP use an LSI to get the maximum value out of it.
  • Use some more LSIs based on isk availability/time pressure.

If isk is not an issue

  • Use LSIs to push your SP up, making sure you use one such that the bulk of it goes over the 5m SP line that will reduce their effect after.
  • After passing 5m SP use the 1m SP redeem from your redeem queue.
  • Inject LSI until you are done.
guides/fleet-booster.txt · Last modified: 16/08/2024 19:15 by Cassandra Bisi

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