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Incursion Spawn Mechanics

This guide details aspects of incursion spawn mechanics to help with your understanding of influence, incursion phases and spawn windows.

Incursions in high security space take over a single randomly selected highsec constellation for a time. They then despawn, and after a period of time respawn in a new constellation. Below is outlined the progression of the spawn and how it can be altered by player actions.

Influence and Red Bar

A fresh incursion spawn starts with 100% Influence, or “Red Bar” which is an especially dangerous condition. Influence is how much control Sansha has over the constellation the focus has occurred in - it is displayed in your EVE client with a “bar” in the interface that is completely red at 100%, and green/blue at 0%. The amount of influence affects us mostly with decreased dps and reduced tank through changes to our armour resists. At 100% influence, the Sansha ships we need to destroy have increased resists, and our resists are halved! Fleets that are run to reduce the Sansha influence are often called “redbar fleets” - you may be asked to fit an additional armour plate on some ships to ensure that your ship remains intact during these efforts.

At the start of each focus the influence begins at 100% and as we finish sites the influence level decreases by 1% per VG site, 2% per AS site and 3% per HQ site. As this influence decreases so do the effects Sansha exert over the constellation.

Spawn Phases

Each focus has three phases: Established, Mobilizing and Withdrawing.


This is the starting phase of the incursion spawn and is the only phase which is variable in timing. The established phase may last from as little as 24 hours up to 5 days


Once the established phase has finished the spawn becomes mobilizing (“mobi”). This phase lasts for 48 hours.


Once the mobilizing phase has finished the spawn becomes withdrawing. This phase lasts for 24 hours. The Kundalini Manifest, aka “Mom”, site is normally completed in the final hour of withdrawing. If it isn't completed before the end of the Withdrawing phase, the incursion focus despawns naturally. The “Mom” site must be completed before this natural despawn for the Concord Loyalty Points that pilots have accrued during the focus to be paid out.

Mothership Site

Three days after the incursion begins, the Kundalini Manifest site (mothership, often called “The Mom”) appears in the HQ system (assuming influence has been ground to zero). This is the boss site: completing it ends the incursion, at which point all incursion sites in the constellation despawn, belt rats return to normal, and accrued CONCORD Loyalty Points are paid out. The timer then begins for the next spawn to occur.

If the mom site isn't run, the incursion will naturally despawn at the end of the Withdrawing phase. In this case, all CONCORD Loyalty Points accrued during this incursion vanish.

Spawn and Phase Timers

So with the above phase timers each spawn can last from a minimum of 3 days to a maximum of 8 days. Once the spawn finishes there is a 12hr delay before the spawn window opens. Once the spawn window opens a spawn can happen anytime in the next 24 hours. Because of CCP coding, sometimes the spawn timer can run past this 36 hour window before a new focus starts.

Once the new spawn is up, we will choose a station in one of the VG systems for our Eve Rookies VG dockup, and a station in or near the HQ system as the HQ dockup. These stations get posted to Eve Rookies discord in #incursion-status and the in-game channel “Eve Rookies Incursions”.

To get to the new focus safely please see our traveling between focuses guide.

Mom Popping and the Kundalini Agreement

Historically there has been a lot of drama surrounding the mom site (The Kundalini Manifest). Killing the mom early and thus ending the focus unexpectedly was a tactic used on and off by various incursion groups over the years to control the respawn time or to hurt other incursion groups. More recently, hostile multiboxing gankers made a habit of popping the mom nearly instantly, often within a few hours of the new spawn, just to grief highsec incursion runners. In 2021 an agreement between the various incursion groups, “The Kundalini Agreement”, had set up a clear rotation of which group would pop mom each focus, with the agreement that they would do so about an hour before natural despawn. This agreement became essentially moot in early 2024 with the insta-pop griefing by gankers. In mid-2024 CCP updated highsec incursions so that insta-popping mom was no longer possible given the 3 day delay on the mom spawn. The Kundalini Agreement is essentially back in effect, although it is less public now.

We expect our line members to respect the essentials of the Kundalini Agreement and avoid assisting in an unapproved early mom pop. If an FC decides to kill the Kundalini early without getting the go-ahead from other incursion groups, the line members of the fleet are expected to refuse to participate in this action. Participating in killing the Kundalini early can be cause for disciplinary action, up to an outright ban, as decided by Leadership.

guides/incursion-progression-mechanics.txt · Last modified: 27/06/2024 01:52 by Cassandra Bisi

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