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The MTAC Guide

This guide is designed as a basic explanation of mechanics on how to perform the MTAC roll in fleet. This role is only required for the True Creations Research Center site (TCRC).

What is an MTAC?

The MTAC (Mechanized Torso-Actuated Chassis) is an in-game item specific to Sansha Incursions. See this lore page from Eve Online

Why we need someone to take the MTAC role

A TCRC battle tower has the ability to repair itself after a period of time. Even two strong Marauder fleets (80 pilots) will struggle to kill the battle tower before the tower starts repairing itself. To prevent the tower from repairing itself, an MTAC unit needs to be taken from the MTAC factory to the Shield Transfer Control Tower approximately every two minutes. The MTAC role is a critical fleet role to enable the completion of the TCRC site.

How to MTAC

In order to complete a TCRC, a CONCORD MTAC must be moved from the CONCORD MTAC Factory to the Shield Transfer Control Tower.

Since the CONCORD MTAC is too large to fit in a battleship cargo hold, this is accomplished by creating a “jetcan” by jettisoning any item (such as a piece of ammunition or nanite paste) into space, putting the MTAC into the can and ferrying it to the control tower using a tractor beam. This process is then repeated until the tower explodes.

Normal MTAC site entry and Procedure

FC calls the fleet into site, you take the gate as normal.

  • Align your ship towards the MTAC Factory.
  • Once your ship is pointing in the correct direction, activate the MJD.
  • You should land close to the MTAC Factory. If you didn't, burn there with MWD.
  • Jettison one ammo, lock up the can, and activate the tractor beam on it. Do not shoot your can.
  • Drag the MTAC from the factory to your can.
  • Approach Shield Transfer Control Tower, activating MWD for one cycle.
  • Open the cargo window of the tower. Drag the MTAC from the can into the tower.
  • Begin shooting the Tower, being careful not to shoot your can.
  • Burn back to the MTAC Factory. Wait for the next MTAC to spawn, then repeat.
  • Keep doing it until the site is over. When the tower explodes, you are free to start warping off before other DPS due to the risk of you getting caught on collidable structures.

Please ensure you shoot the tower while MTACing otherwise you will miss out on the site payout.



Contest MTAC Site Entry Procedure

During a contest scenario the FC may call for the MTAC to hold the drop or immediately drop. These calls are made by the FC to favour our fleet in the DPS race to win the site payout. During a contest it is important that you do your best to grab the MTAC before the other fleets MTAC can grab it. Doing so allows us to dictate the terms of the site to our benefit.

Scenario 1 - Holding the MTAC Drop

If the FC calls for you to hold the drop you follow the normal procedure up to burning to the Shield Transfer Control Tower but do not drop the MTAC into it until called for.

This is to allow our fleet time to land on the tower and apply DPS. If our fleet is stronger then the contesting fleet this call can be made to ensure we have a higher DPS total then the contesting fleet to win the site.

Scenario 2 - Immediately dropping the MTAC Drop

If the FC calls for you to immediately drop the MTAC you follow the normal procedure up to burning to the Shield Transfer Control Tower and drop the MTAC as soon as possible.

This is to deny a contesting fleet time to land on the tower and apply DPS. If their fleet is stronger then the our fleet this call can be made to ensure we have a higher DPS total then the contesting fleet to win the site.

guides/mtac.txt · Last modified: 26/10/2023 09:27 by

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