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Ship Requirements

Allowed ships for our fleets are found here: Ship Fits.

Refer to the Upgrade Hours document to see the fleet hours allowed for each step of this progression. The waitlist will keep track of your hours in fleet and the FC will see if you haven't made the required upgrades for your hours.

Skill plans can be found here: Skill Plans.

Entry Requirements

To fly with Eve Rookies HQ your character must have:

  1. Armor compensation skills1) trained to level 2 (for starter fits) or level 4 (for all other fits)
  2. The skills required to fly and online all of the modules on your ship.

You cannot downgrade your tank modules2) or remote armour repair modules. All other modules including utility slots, prop mod (except for the Oneiros), weapons, and drones can be downgraded to their meta 4 equivalent.

Unless you already have a well-established character, we recommend you create a dedicated incursion alt. This will allow you to get the most out of your skill injectors and to get a temporary SP/hr boost with Cerebral Accelerators. If you plan to create a dedicated incursion alt you may want to consider creating a new account so you can get 1m free SP with Recruit a Friend.

Ship Progression

Choose one of the main progression paths:

  • Apocalypse Navy Issue → Nightmare → Paladin → Elite Paladin → Bastion Badge Paladin
  • Megathron → Vindicator → Kronos → Elite Kronos → Bastion Badge Kronos
  • Megathron → Vindicator → Web Aspirant Vindicator → Web Badge Vindicator

First Starter

Your starter ship (Apoc Navy or Mega) will get you into fleets; however, it isn't a very good ship so you will need to quickly upgrade to a pirate battleship (Nightmare or Vindi).

Start by training your secondary battleship skill. If you fly the Megathron you will need to train Minmatar Battleship to level three; Navy Apocalypse pilots should train Caldari Battleship I 3).

Alpha clones cannot use Micro Jump Drives and they train skill points at half the rate of Omega pilots. For this reason, you should buy 500 PLEX and use it to go omega as soon as possible. You can buy PLEX from the regional market (Alt+R), or the Sales channel on our Discord.

There is a scam where you can buy an item in a citadel which is then blown up almost immediately. When this happens you do not get your items and you lose your ISK.

Pirate Starter

The next step is to replace your Megathron with a Vindicator OR your Navy Apocalypse with a Nightmare. You will be able to sell your first battleship and some of the modules to help fund your starter pirate battleship. We recommend buying your fit and items from Jita.

Basic Marauder or T2 Guns

For your next upgrade, you have two options: T2 guns OR getting into a basic marauder (Paladin or Kronos).

We prefer you go for the marauder first, however, the skill point requirement for the marauder is higher so you should go for the option that suits you best. Whichever option you choose, your next step will be a marauder with T2 guns.

Option One: Train a Marauder
You will need to train armor compensation skills to level 4 and:

  • Racial Battleship 5
  • Advanced Weapon Upgrades 5
  • Energy Grid Upgrades 5

Option Two: Train T2 Guns

  • Large Hybrid Weapons 5
  • Large Blaster Specialization 1
  • Motion Prediction 5


  • Large Energy Turret 5
  • Large Pulse Specialization 1
  • Motion Prediction 5

Remember you can sell your pirate battleship and the modules that cannot transfer to your marauder to help subsidize your upgrade.


The final requirement you have to meet is to be “Elite”. Being elite means you have a fully elite fit, with the appropriate implant clone (slot 1-10) and you have elite skills (Select your ship and select elite top right). When everything is squared away you should see the elite badge on your fits on the waitlist. Once you see that you can ask an FC to give you the elite badge on teamspeak as well.


Start by training the skills that will complete early. Once you've trained these skills, train your gun skills to elite followed by tank, support skills and finally drone skills.

Fits & Implants

We have three types of fits: Amulet (“Hybrid”) fits which require Amulet implants (slot 1-5 + WS-618), Ascendancy fits which require Ascendancy implants (slot 1-5 + WS-618), and other specialized fits. Amulet fits warp slightly slower but have slightly better tank than their non-hybrid counterparts. There is a slight preference for Ascendancy implants but either Ascendancy or Amulet is fine for most pilots.

You will need to use the elite fit that matches your implant set. Elite fits require Ascendancies unless they are labeled “Amulet”.

Finally, remember when upgrading your tank that you should always switch all tank modules at once. Otherwise, you may accidentally lower your ship's tank and be unable to join fleets. You can upgrade all non-tank modules one at a time.

Bastion Badge

This is an optional but highly recommended step in the upgrade path. You get this badge for reaching a damage threshold using abyssal mods and higher skills. This Badge will increase the amount covered by SRP on your ship.

The best way to increase dps with abyssals is using focused modules vs ones based on percent. More info can be found at How to Optimize Abyssals.

Web Badge

For those who would prefer to remain in the Vindicator and specialize in it, we offer a Web Badge option. Similar to the Bastion Badge, the W badge gives higher SRP coverage and is considered an equivalent accomplishment. Fleets need far more marauders than Vindicators, but a few good Vindis are very essential.

Low slot tank modules and Rigs
The Caldari battleship bonus is not relevant to the Nightmare. It is just needed to sit in the hull
guides/upgrade.txt · Last modified: 04/06/2024 07:49 by Cassandra Bisi

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