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Waitlist Help

Our website (often called “The Waitlist”) is our fleet management tool. You can use it to find our fits, required skills, skill plans or x-up for fleets.

ESI Authentication

You need to login to use most features on the website.

When you click login you will be redirected to the Eve Online Single Sign On (SSO) servers found at This URL is controlled by CCP Games and not by Contingency. We do not get access to your account credentials.

Once you authenticate your account and select a character you will be asked to authorize the waitlist access to a few ESI scopes.

Scope Why we need it
publicData Allows us to get information about your character that is publically available in-game.
esi-skills.read_skills.v1 • Allows you and our team to view your doctrine related skills
• Stops you from X-ing up with fits if you are missing the required skills
esi-clones.read_implants.v1 • Allows you and our team to view your implants each time you x-up
• Stops you from X-ing up with fits if you are missing the required implants


Add Alts

To add an alt, click the user plus (outlined in red below) button on the navbar to the left of the TeamSpeak icon.

X-UP For Fleet

Join our Team Speak server ( when joining the waitlist as the FC may need to talk to you prior to sending you a fleet invite.

To x-up for fleet you will need to join the waitlist. To join the waitlist click the green “Join Waitlist” button and paste one or more fits in the input box.

To join the waitlist:

  1. Click the “Join Waitlist” button (outlined below in red)
  2. Paste your fit in the input box (outlined in blue)
  3. If you have a pilot in fleet click “I already have a character in fleet”
  4. Click X-UP

If your fit is correct, and you have the required skills and implants you will be added to the waitlist. If you are missing any modules you will be asked to fix your fit or confirm your x-up. FCs may not invite you to fleet if your fit is incorrect.

guides/waitlist.txt · Last modified: 19/05/2024 11:53 by Sasha Panther

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