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Welcome to the Team

Welcome to the Eve Rookies Incursions FC team! We're so glad you've decided to FC incursion fleets for us, whether VGs or HQs. This document outlines our expectations and requirements during your training and after you earn your wings.



As an Eve Rookies FC, you are a highly visible representative of Eve Rookies. How you conduct yourself reflects on all of us. Our Core Values stress the importance of maintaining our friendly, welcoming, inclusive, and supportive community. Try to avoid toxicity or getting involved in other communities' drama.

Complete your training

VG FC trainees may take as long as they like. We will never pressure you to finish your training. We have some JFCs who never completed training. You may remain a JFC as long as you remain active in the community. (Posting on Discord counts!)

HQ FC trainees, on the other hand, are expected to complete their training in a timely manner. The amount of work and resources needed to train a new HQ FC is considerable and not to be undertaken lightly. You are expected to apply yourself to the task with all due diligence. You will have to be proactive about obtaining the instruction you need. It is up to you to find backseats to fly under.

Stay active within our team

We don't expect or even want you to FC every day. Try to stand up at least one or two fleets per focus. Of course we welcome more if you have the time and energy! We understand real life issues come up occasionally to stop you from being fully involved, or you may have other activities you need to attend to. We only ask that you dedicate a reasonable amount of time to our community and that you continue to show up and support ER over the long term.

Community activity can take many forms, and we welcome it all, but as an FC your primary responsibility is to run fleets. If you feel you are unable to do so for an extended period of time, please reach out to Leadership.

Remember to Focus on You

Take time to focus on you, your hobbies, your health, and your out of Eve life. We would rather you fly for a few hours each week over a longer period of time than fly hard-core for a few months only to burn out and not return. Aim for a sustainable level of involvement you can commit to.

Be a Team Player

This is one of our biggest “rules”. You are joining an awesome team: help keep it that way by doing your part. This means helping the active FC with various jobs: handouts, waitlist, new pilots, scouting, tagging, etc. Spreading the workload helps prevent FCs from burning out and contributes to the “team” feel of the FC team.

Also as a team, we try to avoid drama and discuss any potential problems early while they're still small to avoid bigger problems in the future. We want you to feel comfortable enough with all your fellow FCs and Leadership members to be able to reach out to any of us if something comes up.

Fleet Command Structure

We have a multi-tiered team, each role has its own set of responsibilities.

Leadership (L Badge) - are responsible for setting policy and directing our community. They promote FCs, and handle internal and external issues. Ultimately they answer to Kshal.

Instructors (I Badge) - these Full FCs have been appointed by Leadership to train our new HQ Trainees and to monitor all HQ fleets for potential issues that might need to be addressed in the future.

HQ Fleet Commanders / Full FC (F Badge) - have completed their training as a T badge. They are able to run HQ fleets without a backseat and can train Nestor pilots and Trainee FCs.

VG FC (V Badge) - have completed their training as JFC and are able to run VG fleets without a backseat. Must fly at least 3 VG fleets on their own before backseating a JFC.

HQ Trainees (T Badge) - learning how to FC HQs. You should start by reading and familiarizing yourself with our documentation on this wiki, by learning our fits, and by asking for a backseat so you can lead your first fleet. You may not FC or start a fleet without an F or I Badge on hand.

VG Trainee (JFC) - learning how to FC VGs. Needs a V-badge backseat to run fleets.

Next Steps

Set Up Roles

Armor VG and HQ training FCs will need roles granted on the Waitlist and TeamSpeak - ask for these if you haven't gotten them set up yet. (JFCs who only aim to run shield fleets don't need any special roles.)

All training FCs will need to make sure you set up tagging hotkeys. Armor VG and HQ FCs will need to set up TeamSpeak whisper hotkeys.

Getting Backseats

While training, you will be in a fleet with a full FC who will be your “backseat.” The backseat FC will be the person ultimately responsible for the fleet's safety. They will allow you to do part (or all) of the usual FC tasks, and once you are comfortable with normal operations they will test you.

It is up to you to proactively request backseats. Do not expect FCs to come looking for you! Your training is in your hands, so you need to go ask FCs to backseat for you. Most FCs enjoy backseating: it's a lot easier for them if you're doing some (or all) of the work! Try to set up backseat fleets in advance, and if you can't be there on time let your backseat know as early as possible so you don't inconvenience them.

Most of all, enjoy the process. You are fulfilling one of the most important roles in this game: providing fun, lucrative, and (relatively) safe content for Eve players.

Thank you for joining us! We'll see you in fleet FC.

guides/welcome-to-the-fc-team.txt · Last modified: 08/06/2024 06:03 by Cassandra Bisi

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