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Eve Rookies Ban Policy

Eve Rookies requires everyone follow the Eve Rookies Core Values (see the Eve Rookies Discord for full explanation of the Core Values). Everyone with a Discord role, from Ambassadors to FCs to Leadership, are moderators on Discord and may ban or timeout anyone behaving inappropriately.

Anyone found in violation of the Core Values or found to be stealing from Eve Rookies will be either temporarily or permanently banned by Eve Rookies Leadership, as the situation demands.

For incursions, anyone who participates in a fleet (in any group) that completes the Kundalini Manifest site earlier than the time agreed between the majority of incursion communities will be temp banned on the first occasion, and permabanned on the second. Note that contesting against another fleet that had already entered the site is allowed.

Incursion FCs who use their fleet to bully other fleets will also be subject to temp or perma bans as determined by Leadership. “Bullying” is defined as contesting multiple sites in a row when other unoccupied sites are available. Contesting is allowed and even encouraged, but not bullying.

policy/ban_policy.txt · Last modified: 15/05/2024 20:26 by Cassandra Bisi

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