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The marauder class Kronos (short range) and Paladin (sniper) are the main work horse of our fleet. Marauders are often referred to as “bastion” ships because they can fit the Bastion I module. Bastion works in a similar way to the siege module on dreadnaughts. When you are in Bastion you gain significant buffs; however, your ship becomes immobile and cannot receive remote cap/reps.

For this reason, it is very important that you fly your ship carefully. Please read this guide to learn how to use your ship.


You are required to have armour compensation skills IV, hull upgrades V and a suitable fit. You must have a suitable Basic/Advanced/Elite fit. The “Elite Amulet” fits require you to have Amulets (slot 1-5) at a minimum.

In addition to this, you should be relatively familiar with incursions, including rats and aggro mechanics. If you are new to incursions please advise read the Newbro Guide and ask the FC for a TLDR on flying marauders when you are invited to your first fleet.

Responding to Cap Broadcasts and Battle Reps

When you see broadcasts for capacitor (cap) lock up and provide cap. This is especially important when it is a Nestor needing cap, as a Nestor capping out is a fleet safety issue.

When battle reps are called for, immediately lock the aggro target and apply armor reps. This is called for when Nestors are out of range; it can be the difference between saving and losing a ship. A ship dying can cause aggro to bounce to other ships, and if they are deep in bastion it could cause additional deaths. Repair your fleetmates!

Viridian Changes

The Viridian expansion (patch notes) arrived on Tranquility on the 14th of June.

This expansion changed the tank of the Kronos (-600 structure HP, +600 armour HP) removed a high slot and added a mid slot. You can see the updated fits here.

Bastion Cycle Time

The bastion cycle time has been increased from 30 to 60 seconds. Only bastion once each time aggro changes. If you aren't sure, or you are more than 10 seconds late wait for the next switch!

If you take agro while you are still in bastion, broadcast for shield and inform the FC and Logi how long you have until you are out of bastion. Once out of bastion broadcast for armor to let them know you are open.

Site Guides

We no longer bastion on the beacon in NRFs or TPPHs.

Nation Rebirth Facility (NRF)

If you are a Kronos or a Paladin who gets initial aggro, burn with the Nestors to your anchor position. All other Paladins should activate their micro jump drive, anchor up and start a single cycle of bastion.

Once the second wave (Uitria, Romi, Osti) spawns and aggro is established enter a single cycle of bastion. Then Kronos pilots should burn to the final anchor position.

While the Kronos's will be burning on the third wave, Paladins should still bastion one cycle on third once aggro is established.

Once the final wave spawns and aggro is established, bastion until the end of the site.

True Creations Research Centre (TCRC)

Listen to your FC, do not jump or bastion until the FC calls for it.

The FC may ask Kronos pilots to jump to the tower and paladins to bastion on the beacon. If this happens it's very important that Kronos pilots shoot the tower as quickly as possible to pull the switch and that Paladin pilots focus fire to kill Deltoles and Outunis as quickly as possible.

Be very careful with bastion cycles in this site as this is the site you are most likely to die. If you are in doubt, don't bastion.

True Power Provisional Headquarters (TPPH)

Rooms One/Two: Burn directly to the outgate and follow tags. Only bastion as you are arriving at the outgate if the rats are dying slowly enough that you are likely to be in the room for at least 60 seconds.

Room Three / Wave One: If you get aggro burn with the Nestors, otherwise jump to the anchor position and bastion for a single cycle.

Room Three / Wave Two & Three: Wait for wave two's initial aggro to stabilise on a ship, then bastion for one cycle. Once your bastion cycle ends burn to your tower bash anchor and enter bastion again. You should be able to bastion until the end of the site. Do not enter bastion if the aggro goes to a drone!


Bastion ships are covered by our ship replacement program. The usual terms and conditions outlined in the corporation description apply. Deaths caused by the following exclusion criteria will void your SRP:

  1. Bastion out of position
  2. Bastion module auto-repeat on
  3. Failure to cycle bastion red if a pilot dies on grid
  4. Overbastion (bastion late/failure to come out of bastion)
  5. Jumping early or late
guides/bastion.txt · Last modified: 12/05/2024 09:03 by Sasha Panther

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