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Join our Team

You're interested in joining our team? We're glad to hear it. Before you rush to fill out an application form please read this page as it will give you some insight into what our team does, and whether joining the FC team is right for you.

You've already met some of our people. They run fleets, train pilots, and help lead the community. Ultimately, everyone on the team is here to make sure YOU can fly and make Isk while having lots of fun. This requires an emphasis on teamwork and a spirit of helpfulness.

FC Ranks


If your application to join our team is successful, you will join the team as a trainee. As a trainee you will learn the ropes.

Trainees work one on one with instructors who will make sure they know everything required to FC fleets without a backseat. We don't have a set timeframe nor do we have a checklist that trainees are required to meet. Everyone learns differently and at different paces and our instructors specialise and tailor each person's training to suit their needs. Once you complete your training program you will become a full Fleet Commander.

Fleet Commander

Fleet Commanders (or F badges) are trained to lead fleets. Their training encompasses all the steps needed to run a fleet effectively from start to finish. This includes:

  • Contesting
  • Efficiency
  • Fleet comp
  • Safety
  • Site mechanics

Before applying

Please make sure all of the pilots you use with us are linked to your main on the waitlist. Your main is the pilot you want to be known as on Comms, Discord, and the Wiki. If you don't know how to link your pilots, or you are having issues talk to one of our FCs.

You are required to have an L badge before you can apply to become an T badge.

Application Process

Anyone can be taught to FC; however, there is a fine line between big personalities and big egos. We only accept candidates who are here for the right reason - to grow our community and be a valued team member.

Send an Eve Mail to all of the leadership team - you can find our names in the in-game MOTD. Use your mail to introduce yourself, tell us a bit about your Eve experience, why you want to become an FC and what your end goal is within our community. Please answer the following questions at the bottom of your mail:

  • What timezone(s) do you fly in?
  • How many hours a week do you expect to FC?
  • What is your biggest strength and weakness?
  • What experience (if any) have you had leading fleets in Eve? (PVE or PVP)
  • Did an FC suggest you apply? If so who?

A note on boosters: You aren't required to have your own primary booster as a trainee, but it will make your life easier. If you don't have one please consider training one sooner rather than later as you will need it before you become an F badge. Read our OGB guide for our recommended training strategy.

What Happens Next?

Once your application is received, we will discuss it internally and may consult the FCs in your timezone. If your application is accepted, a member of leadership will reach out to you. The responsibility to seek backseat sessions is on the trainee. In most cases we expect you to be near completion within two months.

If your application is rejected someone will let you know, and if possible we will give you feedback. Don't be discouraged if we say no the first time. Because we put a high emphasis on teamwork, we are looking for specific types of people and we may not know you well enough.

We don't always accept or reject applications outright:
In many cases we choose to sit on an application. If you don't hear from us don't panic, this usually happens because we want more time to know you before we make a decision. If you haven't heard back within one month please send us a follow-up Evemail.

What if FCing Isn’t Right for Me?

Not everyone is well suited to the role of FCing, and not everyone enjoys it. If this is you but you still want to help out there are several options available to you:

  • Help us maintain the Wiki. Our wiki editors help keep content up to date and add and remove pages as necessary. Ideally, we'd like to have one or two people helping us at any given time. If you are interested and you are a strong writer talk to Wedge Rancer.
  • Learn to scout (requires an alt) or begin training a booster - These two roles are very important they greatly improve efficiency and safety. FCs will love you if you can help with one of these roles, and sometimes it will be the difference between the fleet running and standing down.
  • Mentor our newer pilots, teach them to fly various fleet roles or help them become better pilots.
  • If you have specific ideas about how you could help the wider community, have a chat with our team.

If you read this entire page, well done. We value trainees who can follow instructions. Chuck a reference to Plan A in your application mail.

guides/join-the-fc-team.txt · Last modified: 22/11/2023 00:21 by Cassandra Bisi

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